Sunday, 31 July 2011

Week 1 Goal Reflection

Wow, this week has flown by so quickly! I can't believe it is Sunday already. So last week I set myself 3 goals for the week and it's now time to reflect on how I did and what my goals for next week will be.

Goal 1: Use the Noom app on my phone to log all my meals. Sticking within the calorie allowance isn't important, just use it every day to log every single thing eaten.

So this didn't go brilliantly. I did use it, but only logged what I ate for about 25% of the week. The first couple of days went really well, but I ended up having a bingey Wed/Thurs/Fri and couldn't being myself to actually work out the total calories of what I ate. I've been spending time thinking about why I binged, rather than thinking about what I ate and how stupid it was - as that just continues the 'shame cycle.'

When I do use the app, I really like it and find it really useful and fun. I'm also trying to concentrate on this and get into a habit of using it all the time. I think giving myself a calorie goal for the day, rather than what I did last week which gave me 'permission' to eat whatever I wanted, is going to help me keep my calorie intake down. I'm looking forward to using it this week and trying to keep that positive feeling in the front of my mind.

Goal 2: Go jogging three times this week, using the Couch to 5k programme.

I had great intentions for completing this goal, I really did. But I didn't. At all. I don't have any excuses, other than being a bit busy at work. But getting regular exercise is something I really, really want to do. I did two Race For Life runs in July this year. It wasn't that long ago but I seem to have lost the motivation to get out there and run that I had.

One of the biggest blocks I have around this is a fear of exercising in front of people. The thought of randoms seeing me run gives me knots in my stomach. With this in mind, my exercise goal for this week will be to walk rather than jog as it will at least get me out there, and I can start to knock down the mental block I have at the moment.

Goal 3: Have porridge with a different topping for breakfast every day this week.

While I didn't do this every day, I did do it for 5 out of 7 days, which isn't too bad. I really loved this goal and took some photos to document it :)

The different toppings pictured are honey, honey and almonds, and the one on my desk at work was blueberry and apple flavour porridge. Yum, yum, yum!

So finally, here are my goals for this week. I've tried to learn from what I did (or didn't do!) over the past week and build that into this week's goals.

Goal 1: Have breakfast every day. This will be a 300 cal meal which is mainly protein based.

Goal 2: Eat more vegetables this week, trying to have them with every meal.

Goal 3: Go for a walk three times this week.

Wish me luck! If you have set yourself some goals, tell me about them. I wish you loads of luck with yours x

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